HG 1/144 G-Bouncer
Date: February 9th Price: ¥1,575
Date: February 9th Price: ¥1,575
The 'White Wolf' Woolf Enneacle's pure-white G-Bouncer from Asemu's arc in Mobile Suit Gundam AGE is here as an HG kit! Its unique shield and weapons can be attached or removed, and the back binders and verniers can be displayed opened or closed!

HG 1/144 Adele
Date: February 9th Price: ¥1,260
Date: February 9th Price: ¥1,260
The Federation mass-production suit from Asemu's arc is here! It features high mobility, perfect for posing! The face is made with clear parts!

AG 1/144 Genoace II
Date: February 9th Price: ¥630
Date: February 9th Price: ¥630
The AG series, scannable for use in Gage-ing, gets the mass-produced Federation Genoace II!
Each kit also includes a Gundam TryAge card!
※ Products ship from the factory on ship date. In-store availability may vary by retailer.
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