■What is GBO Days?
GBO Days is a special monthly campaign that will run from the first Thursday to Sunday each month! [scheduled].
■GBO Days February Schedule
[CET] 2/6/2020 (THU) 6:00 – 2/9/2020 (SUN) 20:59 [Scheduled]
■Full Details
1. One “Free Supply Drop” can be requested each day during GBO Days! (Up to 4 MS can be obtained)
2. One “Special Supply Drop” with a guaranteed ★★★ MS will be available during GBO Days! (10 Consecutive Supply Drop required)
3. Sortie Rewards increased during GBO Days with even bigger bonuses for New and Returning Pilots!
* Players who have played for 14 days or less are considered New Pilots.
* Players who have not logged in within the past 45 days are considered Returning Pilots.
* Sortie Rewards will return to their normal rates at the end of each month’s GBO Days.
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