30 août 2011
Chara-Hobby 2011 event report [Bandai booth]
We bring you a report from Chara-Hobby 2011, held August 27th and 28th! First, Bandai's booth!

Japan's biggest character and hobby event, Chara-Hobby 2011, was held in Makuhari Messe, Chiba this August 27th and 28th.
The event featured an array of new Gundam goods focused on Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, plus special live events!
Without further ado, let's begin the report! First, Bandai's booth.
▼ Bandai

Bandai's booth focused on the upcoming TV series Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, especially the new trailer unveiling at the event.

HG Gundam AGE-1 Normal Late September / ¥1,260

■ (left)
HG Gundam AGE-1 Titus November / ¥1,260
■ (right) HG Gundam AGE-1 Spallow December / ¥1,260(税込)
■ (right) HG Gundam AGE-1 Spallow December / ¥1,260(税込)

■ (left)
HG Genoace October / ¥1,260
■ (right) HG Genoace Custom November / ¥1,260
■ (right) HG Genoace Custom November / ¥1,260

■ (left)
HG Gafran October / ¥1,260
■ (right) HG Zedas November / ¥1,575
Along with five previously-announced models, the Genoace Custom and Zedas were on display.
■ (right) HG Zedas November / ¥1,575
Along with five previously-announced models, the Genoace Custom and Zedas were on display.

Mega-size Model 1/48 Gundam AGE-1 Normal December / ¥8,925

The Advanced Grade kits were on display with their packages.

■ (left)
AG Genoace Custom November / ¥630
■ (right) AG Zedas November / ¥630
■ (right) AG Zedas November / ¥630

The Gage-ing Builder series launches in October.

Using the Age Device and Gage-ing Haro, you too can enjoy Gage-ing!

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE JOINT ACTION December / ¥294

■ (left)
FW Gundam Converge 5 November / ¥368
■ (right) FW Gundam STANDart:11 November / ¥693
Gundam AGE joins the popular candy toy lineup!
■ (right) FW Gundam STANDart:11 November / ¥693
Gundam AGE joins the popular candy toy lineup!

Robot Damashii Gundam AGE-1 Normal December / ¥3,150
■ (left) Robot Damashii Gundam AGE-1 Titus January 2012 / ¥3,675
■ (right) Robot Damashii Gundam AGE-1 Spallow February 2012/ ¥3,360
■ (left) Robot Damashii Gundam AGE-1 Titus January 2012 / ¥3,675
■ (right) Robot Damashii Gundam AGE-1 Spallow February 2012/ ¥3,360

MS Frontier 01 November / ¥400
A new Gashapon series with a focus on proportions and mobility!
A new Gashapon series with a focus on proportions and mobility!

Gashapon Senshi NEXT 04 October 2011/ ¥200
They're more posable than ever with NEXT joints! The Gafran even transforms!
They're more posable than ever with NEXT joints! The Gafran even transforms!

Mascolle Gundam Head Collection vol. 1 December / ¥580
Gundam meets Mascolle! Set 1 features Mobile Suit Gundam AGE!
Gundam meets Mascolle! Set 1 features Mobile Suit Gundam AGE!

■ (left)
Gundam War Nex-A preconstructed 'Gundam feat. AGE deck'
October / ¥1,575
■ (right) Gundam War Nex-A preconstructed 'SEED feat. AGE deck'
October / ¥1,575
October / ¥1,575
■ (right) Gundam War Nex-A preconstructed 'SEED feat. AGE deck'
October / ¥1,575
These Gundam and SEED-themed prebuilt decks feature Gundam AGE cards!

Gundam War Nex-A's Gundam AGE cards were also displayed!

RG Freedom Gundam! November / ¥2,625
A new entry in the popular RG series! Fifth is the Freedom Gundam!
A new entry in the popular RG series! Fifth is the Freedom Gundam!

It was displayed in diorama featuring the scene from previous RG commercials.

HGUC Jesta September / ¥1,680

HGCU See Zulu November / ¥2,310
A suit from Mobile Suit Gundam UC episode 4: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well features in HGUC!
A suit from Mobile Suit Gundam UC episode 4: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well features in HGUC!

■ (left)
HGUC DRA-C November / ¥2,100
■ (right) HGUC GM II October / ¥1,470
Also featured are Gundam UC blasts from the past.
■ (right) HGUC GM II October / ¥1,470
Also featured are Gundam UC blasts from the past.

HGFC Noble Gundam Berserker Mode September / ¥1,575

MG Gundam Sandrock EW October / ¥3,990
■ (right) Gundam Heavyarms EW In planning / price TBD
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, reborn as a comic and novel, brings the Sandrock and Heavyarms to their first MG appearances!
■ (right) Gundam Heavyarms EW In planning / price TBD
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, reborn as a comic and novel, brings the Sandrock and Heavyarms to their first MG appearances!

MG 00 Gundam Seven Swords / G September / ¥5,775

BB Senshi 368 00 Gundam Seven Swords / G
September / ¥840
Gundam 00V Senki's 00 Gundam Seven Swords / G appears in MG and BB Senshi!
September / ¥840
Gundam 00V Senki's 00 Gundam Seven Swords / G appears in MG and BB Senshi!

■ MG Trans-Am Raiser
On sale from Premium Bandai / ¥6,825
Works with LED Unit (red) (sold separately)
Works with LED Unit (red) (sold separately)

■ (left)
B-Club 1/144 full kit Turn X In planning / price TBD
■ (right) B-Club 1/144 full kit Nemo In planning / price TBD
■ (right) B-Club 1/144 full kit Nemo In planning / price TBD

B-Club 1/144 Proto Zeta Bust Up Model In planning / price TBD

The popular FW Gundam Converge and FW Gundam STANDart were on display, from set 1 to the newest figures!

■ (left)
FW Gundam Converge 4
Phased launch beginning September 27 / ¥368
■ (right) 7-Eleven exclusive FW Gundam Converge selection
Late September / ¥368
FW Gundam Converge Selection is a set of the most popular figures, repainted and back on the shelves.
Phased launch beginning September 27 / ¥368
■ (right) 7-Eleven exclusive FW Gundam Converge selection
Late September / ¥368
FW Gundam Converge Selection is a set of the most popular figures, repainted and back on the shelves.

■ (left)
FW Gundam Converge Unicorn Gundam pearl coating
Packed in with Gundam UC Ace vol. 3 / November 12th
■ (right) FW Gundam Converge SP01 Chara-Hobby 2011 advance sale
The magazine tie-in Unicorn Gundam was on display, and the ν Gundam and Sazabi set was sold in advance.
Packed in with Gundam UC Ace vol. 3 / November 12th
■ (right) FW Gundam Converge SP01 Chara-Hobby 2011 advance sale
The magazine tie-in Unicorn Gundam was on display, and the ν Gundam and Sazabi set was sold in advance.

FW Gundam STANDart:11 October / ¥693
Along with the Gundam AGE-1 Normal, bazooka-wielding Gundams and Doms join in!
Along with the Gundam AGE-1 Normal, bazooka-wielding Gundams and Doms join in!

■ Gashapon Senshi NEXT 04 October / ¥200

Mobile Suit Gundam Mono-eye Style Capsule 05 September / ¥200
A new set in the popular Mono-eye Style line! Check out the new cat-eared Gouf!
A new set in the popular Mono-eye Style line! Check out the new cat-eared Gouf!

Carddas Complete Box Special SD Gundam Ultimate Battle vol. 2
On sale from Premium Bandai / ¥7,140
On sale from Premium Bandai / ¥7,140

■ (left)
SEED Club T-shirt Advance sales at Chara-Hobby 2011 / ¥2,500
■ (right) Mascolle Gundam Head Collection vol. 1 December / ¥580
■ (right) Mascolle Gundam Head Collection vol. 1 December / ¥580
Gundam Ace's SEED Club series T-shirt was available pre-release.
Mascolle features not just Gundam ACE, but the RX-78 Gundam and Zaku II!
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