17 janvier 2016
IBO's "Masked Man" revealed!
Who's the mysterious man after Kudelia?

Art of new characters in Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, which airs Fridays at 5:00 nationwide on the MBS and TBS networks, has been revealed.
This week's reveals are the Masked Man and Navona Mingo. Read on for details!
■ Characters

the Masked Man
A mysterious individual who attempts to draw close to Kudelia.
A mysterious individual who attempts to draw close to Kudelia.

Navona Mingo
A labor union leader on Dort 2. She seeks better working conditions and treatment.
A labor union leader on Dort 2. She seeks better working conditions and treatment.
The anime site has been updated with alternate expressions and more!
Don't miss it!
▼ Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans official site
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