8 septembre 2011
Mobile Suit Gundam UC episodes 1-4 Ikki-mi Senko Joei Caravan ticket reservations begin September 15th!
See all four episodes at a reasonable price! Nationwide tour begins October 25th!

The Mobile Suit Gundam UC episodes 1-4 Ikki-mi Senko Joei Caravan begins its trip across Japan October 25th.
Ticket reservations from E+ began on September 15th.
Attendees will see not only the 4th episode of Mobile Suit Gundam UC, At the Bottom of the Gravity Well, but also episodes 1-3 as well.
Beginning in Osaka's Mielparque Hall, the tour will then visit Okayama, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya, and Hiroshima.
Tickets are ¥2,800. Admission includes an attendee present.
Ticket reservations from E+ began at noon on September 15th.
Sales from other ticketsellers begin at 10:00 AM on the October 2nd.
This is your chance to see all four episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam UC in high quality at a reasonable price! Don't pass it up, whether this is your first time watching on the big screen or a repeat viewing!
■ Mobile Suit Gundam UC episodes 1-4 Ikki-mi Senko Joei Caravan details | |
Date / Venue | [Osaka] Mielparque Hall
10/25 Opens 3:30 PM / begins 4:00 PM
[Okayama] Okayama Eisei Kaikan Miki Memorial Hall
10/26 Opens 4:30 PM / begins 5:00 PM
[Niigata] Ryutopia Theatre
10/28 Opens 4:30 PM / begins 5:00 PM
[Shizuoka] Granship Central Hall
10/31 Opens 4:30 PM / begins 5:00 PM
[Nagoya] Kariya Cultural Center Great Hall
11/1 Opens 4:30 PM / begins 5:00 PM
[Hiroshima] Minami Ward Community Cultural Center
11/4 Opens 3:30 PM / begins 4:00 PM |
Contents | Mobile Suit Gundam UC episodes 1-4 marathon
5:00 PM (Okayama, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya)
4:00 PM (Osaka, Hiroshima)
episode 1 'Day of the Unicorn'
10-minute break
6:10 PM (Okayama, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya)
5:10 PM (Osaka, Hiroshima)
episode 2 'The Second Coming of Char'
10-minute break
7:20 PM (Okayama, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya)
6:20 PM (Osaka, Hiroshima)
episode 3 'The Ghost of Laplace'
10-minute break
8:30 PM (Okayama, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nagoya)
7:30 PM (Osaka, Hiroshima)
episode 4 'At the Bottom of the Gravity Well'
※ Each episode runs 60 minutes, with 10-minute intermissions ※ Admissions will remain open after the show starts ※ Episode 4 Blu-ray and Gunpla will not be available. |
Tickets | are ¥2,800. ※ Includes attendee present [Reservation period]
Noon September 15th - 6:00 PM September 21st
Reservations at E+ (recipients selected by lottery)
⇒ http://eplus.jp/gundam_uc4ikkimi/
[Normal sales]
From 10:00 AM October 2nd from E+ and other major ticketsellers |
Sponsors | Namco Bandai Live Creative |
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