12 novembre 2020
La Wukong impulsions Gundam-t-elle apporter la paix ou une catastrophe ? Les héros SD GUNDAM WORLD commencent en avril 2021 !
Des kits de GUNPLA et de MICROKIT ont été dévoilés !

Il s’agit d’un nouveau titre appartenant auLE MONDE DE LA GUNDAM SDqui a débuté en 2019 et qui comprendra Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam deSD GUNDAM WORLD Sangoku Soketsudenainsi que de nouveaux Gundams tels que Wukong impulsion Gundam, Nobunaga Gundam Epyon et Sergent Verde faire exploser Gundam.
Cette série va commencer la diffusion en continu à partir du 2021 avril à GUNDAM.INFO.
Son site Web officiel s’est ouvert aujourd’hui le jeudi 12 novembre et un tease, une liste de caractères et des kits GUNPLA ont été dévoilés pour la première fois.
Un tease emballé avec des scènes souffle est arrivé !
Commence maintenant un nouveau témoignage des héros !La liste des récits et du personnel a été dévoilée !
The balance of the worlds is maintained by heroes.
Suddenly a red-hot meteor falls upon one of these worlds, called Neo World.
An amnesiac youth named Wukong Impulse Gundam appears at the point where it landed.
The chaos that starts with this incident spreads through the other worlds, one after another.
At the same time, Zhuge Liang Freedom Gundam learns via astrology of an impending disaster.
He and his sworn friend Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam take action to save the worlds from this crisis,
and begin a journey along with Wukong.
What will Wukong Impulse Gundam think as he meets the heroes of each world?
Will this youth bring about peace or catastrophe?
Now begins a new story of heroes!
DIRECTOR:Takahiro IkezoeSTORY STRUCTURE:Toko Machida
SD DESIGN:Toshinao Miyauchi
SOUND DIRECTOR:Sadayoshi Fujino
Introduction de cinq caractères, y compris Wukong d’impulsions Gundam !
■Wukong Impulse Gundam
The youth at the center of the story.hough he lost his memory due to a certain incident, after he meets Liu Bei's group and embarks on a journey, his memory returns little by little.
He normally expresses little emotion, but jumps in when he is interested in something.
When his anger rises, he turns into a giant monkey, loses his senses, and runs amok.
A harsh fate awaits him, but he faces it supported by the bonds of friendship.
■Sergeant Verde Buster Gundam
A police special forces commander.
He is cool and calm when dealing with trouble, and every day he keeps the peace in Captain City.
Sergeant has weapons that only a special forces commander is permitted to use, and and carries them when handling dangerous criminals.
He is knowledgeable and helpful, and when he meets Zhao Yun in the city, he becomes concerned about him.Though he has been pursuing a phantom thief for many years, his quarry always escapes, one step ahead of him.
■Benjamin V2 Gundam
A pirate captain who is widely known in Pirate World.
With a bold and heroic character, he overcomes most problems with his force of personality.
He is an old acquaintance of Sun Jian, and they consider themselves best friends due to their similar personalities.He has a unique way of laughing.
■ Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam
The young leader of "Dragon's Watch," a militia group in the Shu Area, and one of the heroes who previously saved Kingdom World from a crisis.
Though he is filled with a sense of justice, in some respects he still seems like a restless youth.
From previous generations he has inherited a "Haro" that has mysterious powers.Thanks to his meeting with Wukong Impulse Gundam, he throws himself into battle, with the fates of worlds at stake.
■Nobunaga Gundam Epyon
An epic character who seeks to conquer Musha World with his own hands.
He plans to eventually unite all the other worlds as well.
For this reason, he has gathered excellent subordinates in various places, and has his eye on the traveling Cao Cao as well.
Though he has absolute belief in his own strength, someone will entice him to obtain further power and become tainted by a wicked heart.
Les kits GUNPLA seront commercialisés parallèlement à la série animée en avril 2021 !
Wukong Gundam(tentative)
Date de publication : avril.2021
Tranche d’âge : 8 ans
Nobunaga Gundam(tentative)
Date de publication : avril.2021
Tranche d’âge : 8 ans
Sargent Gundam(tentative)
Date de publication : avril.2021
Tranche d’âge : 8 ans
Benjamin Gundam(tentative)
Date de parution : printemps. 2021
Tranche d’âge : 8 ans
Date de parution : printemps. 2021
Tranche d’âge : 8 ans
Puisque les dates varient selon les lieux, veuillez consulter notre site officiel ou le magasin le plus proche pour plus d'informations.
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