27 septembre 2011
Digital card game 'Gundam Try-Age' site updates!
We tie in with the TV anime Mobile Suit Gundam AGE! Try each week's 'AGE Mission'!
■ Operation/Mission: 'Gundam AGE Mission' added
We tie in with Mobile Suit Gundam AGE premiering October 9th!
Each week will feature a new 'AGE Mission', available only until 5:30 PM Sundays!
■ Card List: 'Promo Cards' updated
Four cards from the 7-11 promo listed!
■ News: 'Set #1 Holo-Kira Card Campaign' announced
Find out how to get the Holo-Kira Cards from Set #1, releasing October 6th!
More info is available on the Gundam Try-Age official site.
Digital card game Gundam Try-Age Set #0 - Shinka e no Josho Set #1 - Aratanaru Kyuseishu - (October 6th) One credit ¥100 |
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