15 octobre 2012
Noon's the deadline for MSGO CBT applications! Plus, check out the new weapons!
Apply for closed beta by noon on 10/17!

Mobile Suit Gundam Online, the PC game from Namco Bandai Online, will enter closed beta testing beginning at 6:00 PM, October 24th. In closed beta, new weapons will be added, shields will be strengthened, and the new "Combat Tips" system will be added.
■ Indirect-fire weapons like Howitzers make their debut!
The CBT will introduce indirect-fire weapons affected by gravity.
Armaments like the Guntank's Howitzers, while hard to aim, can avoid obstructions and strike the enemy from above.
They also specialize in explosive and incendiary ammunition, able to strike targets from behind where their armor is weak.

▲ Use the Indirect Fire interface to adjust your targeting.
■ Assault-type units now automatically guard with shields! Recover from partial destruction!
Shield-equipped Assault-type units now automatically block when not attacking, even if they're moving.
Even if their shield is destroyed, they can recover with a Repair Pod or repurpose those weapons slots to boost their offense.
A Repair Gun can't restore shields, though!

▲ Attacks are automatically blocked, even when moving.

▲ Restore destroyed shields with a Repair Pod.
■ Get battle advice with the Combat Tips function!
Combat Tips help beginners through basic gameplay, beginning in CBT. Receive in-game combat pointers and control indicators!
They can be toggled on or off in the Options menu anytime.

▲ Combat Tips show up in certain in-game situations.
■ Trailer streaming now!
Beta tester applications must be submitted by Noon on the 17th.
Gundam.info has 12,000 keys out 30,000 total, so you still have a chance! If you haven't applied yet, do it now!
⇒▼ Apply here!
Closed beta test details
■ Test dates
[1] 6:00–10:00 PM, 10/24–10/25
[2] 1:00 PM 10/26–10:00 PM 10/30
■ Test objective
Server operation and load with high population, game rule and balance adjustment
■ Tester rewards
Players who reach Private First Class (the fifth rank) in the closed beta will receive plans for the Aqua GM or Zaku Marine Type in open beta and release..
Players who fulfill the requirement will receive a serial code usable in open beta and release by email after the conclusion of open beta.
* Unit will be assigned according to player's choice of faction.
■ Test dates
[1] 6:00–10:00 PM, 10/24–10/25
[2] 1:00 PM 10/26–10:00 PM 10/30
■ Test objective
Server operation and load with high population, game rule and balance adjustment
■ Tester rewards
Players who reach Private First Class (the fifth rank) in the closed beta will receive plans for the Aqua GM or Zaku Marine Type in open beta and release..

Players who fulfill the requirement will receive a serial code usable in open beta and release by email after the conclusion of open beta.
* Unit will be assigned according to player's choice of faction.
* Images from development version.
For more information, visit the Mobile Suit Gundam Online official site.
Mobile Suit Gundam Online
Genre: Massively multiplayer action
Supported OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7 (*XP 32-bit only)
System requirements: Launch requirements TBD
Fees: TBD
Launch date: TBD
Developer/Operator: Namco Bandai Online
Genre: Massively multiplayer action
Supported OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7 (*XP 32-bit only)
System requirements: Launch requirements TBD
Fees: TBD
Launch date: TBD
Developer/Operator: Namco Bandai Online
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