11 octobre 2012
Mobile Suit Gundam Online: 20% more closed beta keys! The GM Guard Custom!
CBT will now have 30,000 users, and Gundam.info has more keys to give away!

Namco Bandai Online's PC game Mobile Suit Gundam Online, already taking applications for a closed beta test beginning October 24th, has increased the number of tester slots due to high demand.
Both the official site and our media partners now have 20% more keys! The total tester count has increased by 5,000 to 30,000.
And Gundam.info now has 1,200 keys to give away! Applications are only open until noon on the 17th, so get yours in now!
Everyone who applies will also get an original screensaver, so don't miss out!
⇒ Apply here!
We've also got more info for you on what's coming in beta!
■ E.F.F. "GM Guard Custom" added in CBT!

In addition to the already-announced Zeon "Dom High Speed Experimental Type", the beta will also add the Federation's "GM Guard Custom".
Specializing in the defense of ships and military facilities, it is equipped with a unique "Guardian Shield".
The shield, composed of five layers of a four-metal alloy, also mounts vulcans on its front, allowing the GM Guard Custom to keep its defense up while it pushes the line forward. Use it to hold a solid line of defense or push toward the enemy camp.

GM Guard Custom
● Beam Spray Gun
A mass-produced spray gun which fires beams. Weak at range, but heavily damaging up close.
● Beam Dagger
A dagger-shaped beam saber. While its range is shortened to save power, its lighter weight allows fast attacks.
● Grenade
Standard-issue Federation grenades. They explode a set time after throwing, dealing area damage.
● Beam Spray Gun
A mass-produced spray gun which fires beams. Weak at range, but heavily damaging up close.
● Beam Dagger
A dagger-shaped beam saber. While its range is shortened to save power, its lighter weight allows fast attacks.
● Grenade
Standard-issue Federation grenades. They explode a set time after throwing, dealing area damage.
■ The Map is now easier to read than ever! Display in 3 sizes!

The map function, in addition to becoming more realistic and easier to read, can now also be displayed in large, medium, or small sizes.
You can also now select your deployment point, beginning in closed beta.

▲ A choice of spawns adds more strategy. Choose where you deploy wisely and start the battle with an advantage!
■ Color customization details!

Along with allowing you to change weapons and upgrade stats, starting in open beta the Hangar will allow you to customize your suit's coloring.
In order to use custom colors, players will have to acquire certain items or fulfill special conditions.
(* Color customization function to be added in open beta. Not available in CBT.)

In Mobile Suit Gundam Online, players participate in massive multiplayer online battles with over 100 participants.
Players can take part in battles alongside their favorite Gundam characters from the comfort of their own PC, all for free!
We're looking for 30,000 testers! The deadline's noon on October 17th, so apply now!
⇒ Apply here!
Closed beta test details
■ Test dates
[1] 6:00–10:00 PM, 10/24–10/25
[2] 1:00 PM 10/26–10:00 PM 10/30
■ Test objective
Server operation and load with high population, game rule and balance adjustment
■ Tester rewards
Players who reach Private First Class (the fifth rank) in the closed beta will receive plans for the Aqua GM or Zaku Marine Type in open beta and release..
Players who fulfill the requirement will receive a serial code usable in open beta and release by email after the conclusion of open beta.
* Unit will be assigned according to player's choice of faction.
■ Test dates
[1] 6:00–10:00 PM, 10/24–10/25
[2] 1:00 PM 10/26–10:00 PM 10/30
■ Test objective
Server operation and load with high population, game rule and balance adjustment
■ Tester rewards
Players who reach Private First Class (the fifth rank) in the closed beta will receive plans for the Aqua GM or Zaku Marine Type in open beta and release..

Players who fulfill the requirement will receive a serial code usable in open beta and release by email after the conclusion of open beta.
* Unit will be assigned according to player's choice of faction.
* Images from development version.
For more information, visit the Mobile Suit Gundam Online official site.
Mobile Suit Gundam Online
Genre: Massively multiplayer action
Supported OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7 (*XP 32-bit only)
System requirements: Launch requirements TBD
Fees: TBD
Launch date: TBD
Developer/Operator: Namco Bandai Online
Genre: Massively multiplayer action
Supported OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7 (*XP 32-bit only)
System requirements: Launch requirements TBD
Fees: TBD
Launch date: TBD
Developer/Operator: Namco Bandai Online
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