2 octobre 2012
The Battle of A Baoa Qu rages in Gundam Area Wars for iPhone!
Take out bosses for rare and brand-new MS!

Gundam Area Wars, an iPhone app from Namco Bandai Games, has been updated with the "Battle of A Baoa Qu" event.
Clear enough areas during the event, anc characters who fought at A Baoa Qu will appear as bosses! Taking them down rewards you with an Event-Exclusive Gasha Ticket.
You can also pick up Event-Exclusive Gasha Tickets by beating ace pilots like Johnny Ridden and Shinn Asuka who will only show up during the event!
The gasha tickets can be turned in for rare and better mobile suits, new mobile suits, and more depending on your event point ranking.
Survive the battle of A Baoa Qu, and earn new mobile suits!
The event lasts until 2:00 PM on October 15th.
■ New Mobile Suits

Left to right: Shin Matsunaga's Gelgoog, Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog
■ Boss Characters

Left to right: Gihren Zabi, Kycillia Zabi, Anavel Gato, Aiguille Delaz
Gundam Area Wars
Available on: Now available on iOS App Store
Price: Free to download, cash shop for some items
Supported handsets: iPhone (iOS 4.2 and higher)
Available on: Now available on iOS App Store
Price: Free to download, cash shop for some items
Supported handsets: iPhone (iOS 4.2 and higher)
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