5 septembre 2011
New movies show off August's Mobile Fighter G Gundam additions to SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online!
Burning Gundam and Master Gundam shown in both normal and hyper modes!

Movies of the four Mobile Fighter G Gundam units added to SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online in August—Burning Gundam, Master Gundam, Gundam Maxter, and Gundam Rose—have arrived!
Let's check out their finishing moves taken straight from the anime!
Burning Gundam Melee (Rock) / S-rank
▼ Normal finishing move
▼ Hyper Mode finishing move
Neo Japan's representative MF in
Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
Its Weapon 3, Burning Slash Typhoon, is great in chaotic melees since it attacks in all directions.
After activating Skill 2, Hyper Mode, players can continue to attack even while taking melee damage.
▼ Normal finishing move
▼ Hyper Mode finishing move
Master Gundam Melee (Rock) / S-rank
▼ Normal finishing move
▼ Hyper Mode finishing move
Neo Hong Kong's representative MF in
Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
Its Weapon 3, Distant Crusher, debuffs enemy boost, making it great for finishing off enemies. Skill 1, 'Undefeated of the East Master Asia', boosts both attack and defense.
▼ Normal finishing move
▼ Hyper Mode finishing move
Gundam Maxter
Melee (Rock) / A-rank
Neo America's representative MF in
Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
A melee specialist, its Melee 3 'Cyclone Punch' inflicts fierce chain damage. Paired up with Melee 1, it can really KO an enemy.
It also has the skill 'Gundam Fighter's Technique,' great for units for an up-close-and-personal focus.
Gundam Rose Melee (Rock) / A-rank
Neo France's representative MF in
Mobile Fighter G Gundam.
Its Melee 3, Funnel-like Rose Bits, is unconventional for a melee unit. They shift to Rose Screamer to finish foes off. Players do best by harrying the enemy with the Rose Bits before closing in to finish them off.
※ Details subject to change.
Produced by BANDAI KOREA
Developed by SOFTMAX / Published by CJ Internet Japan.
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Genre: Online Action
Monthly Fee: Free (cash shop for items)
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