22 août 2011
The 'Man from Jupiter,' Scirocco's 'Messala' now available in Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs.!
Its special melee lets it transform rapidly or during a combo! Try out its transforming techniques!

The arcade game Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. introduces Paptimus Scirocco's Messala from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam on August 23rd. The transforming Messala's capabilities are as follows:

Messala Cost: 2000
Developed by Paptimus Scirocco aboard the Helium-3 transport vessel
A ranged unit specializing in mid- to long-ranged combat, its flight mode attacks are more powerful than its MS mode, making it a specialist in transformed combat.
Its special melee attack 'Quick Transform' and ability to transform from flight to MS form during an attack make mastery of its transformations key to its successful use.
Its pilot is Paptimus Scirocco.

▲ It is equipped with heavy thrusters to counteract Jupiterian gravity. It can close in quick in flight form, then transform to MS form for combat.

[MS form / flight form] Its main ranged attack fires a mega particle cannon from the fore of its thruster unit.

[MS form] Its melee attack is a slash with its beam saber.

[Flight mode] The flight melee attack is a shoulder tackle.

[MS form / flight form] Its sub ranged attack fires a spread mega particle cannon from the fore of its thruster unit.

[MS form / flight form] Its ranged charge attack fires missiles from the nine pods mounted on its shoulders.

▲ Its special melee transforms it to a mobile armor (left) or activates its EX burst (right.)
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Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs.
Type: Arcade game
In operation: Currently
Platform: System 357
Genre : Team Action(2v2)
Players: 1 - 4
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