27 mars 2013
Gundam Ace Theater shows "SEED, Ano Jidai!" 3/30! Everyone who comes gets a Kira and Athrun poster!
See SEED on the big screen, then stay for the talk show!

Gundam Ace and Kadokawa Cineplex present the thirrd "Gundam Ace Theater" Gundam screening, "SEED, Ano Jidai," March 30th at Cineplex Makuhari in Chiba.
A selection of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster episodes will be screened, along with Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer. Director Fukuda and writer/special setting advisor Shigeru Morita will also be on hand as guests for a live talk show.
And each and every attendee will receive a reprint of Gundam Ace's legendary Kira and Athrun B2 poster!
See Kira and Athrun's grins for yourself!
Tickets are available from the Kadokawa Cineplex official site and in person at the theater.
Each ticket is ¥2,800.
Can you believe it? SEED on the big screen! Don't miss this special event, complete with talk show!
More info is available from Kadokawa Cineplex's special page.
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