From "SD Gundam World Heroes", Nobunaga Gundam Epyon is here in a mysterious color variant!
■Articulation parts have been adopted for the knees to recreate sword-unsheathing action poses.
■Clear parts can be added onto the blade to recreate the finisher "Zetto Hijakuryusen" state.
■A Dark Mask is included.
■Sword (Heshikiri Hasebe) x1
■Clear effect parts (Mask/Heat Rod) x1
■Foil stickers x1
■Articulation parts have been adopted for the knees to recreate sword-unsheathing action poses.
■Clear parts can be added onto the blade to recreate the finisher "Zetto Hijakuryusen" state.
■A Dark Mask is included.
■Sword (Heshikiri Hasebe) x1
■Clear effect parts (Mask/Heat Rod) x1
■Foil stickers x1